Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I hate Dan Snyder

I wrote a big article/rant/drunken diatribe about the evil that is Dan Snyder when I read that he had dismissed Gregg Williams, now I don't care so much. Read between the lines in these articles by some unlucky WaPo writers that must cover the Redskins. Jason LaCanfora says:
Williams's candidacy, during which he'd interviewed four times, was endorsed by many Redskins players, former coach and team president Joe Gibbs and a large number of the team's fans, hundreds of whom posted angry messages on various Internet message boards backing him for the job and decrying the decision.
Everybody has to dance around the elephant in the room that is the Washington coverage of the Redskins...especially when it involves criticizing Citizen Dan (there's a rumored tar pit in Greenbelt filled with the bones of missing Washington sportswriters). You gotta feel for Jason as he dances nimbly between spilling his feelings and getting locked out of the inner circle (which is incidentally filled with only George Michael).
Mike Wise is a little more direct:
It's one thing to leave every outside candidate in the dark after they interview; it's quite another to not speak to the coach who stood by Taylor after each one of his minor transgressions, proclaiming over and over, "I'm a fan of Sean Taylor," while everyone else was doubting the youngster.
Will Dan get more ink about his professional or personal life than me? No doubt, I'm not claiming I'm any better or without flaws but I don't treat people like crap. When he's no longer with us or at the helm of the Skin's will people remember him fondly or just be happy that he'd gone? He's evil, I hate him. This is all true. But I was on the edge of swearing off the Redskins so I hesitated doing such a thing and decided to wait until the morning, then the next day, then the next week, and now it's a full two weeks later and I'm just numb. I love the Redskins/I hate the Snyder. When Snyder (and me) are old and/or dead, the Washington Redskins will live on and he will be footnoted satanic commandant with a noteworthy Napoleon complex.

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