Saturday, April 5, 2008

Laptop Battery Dying, out of crack, but must get message to ... I must have been smoking crack again earlier today because I swear on a stack of Hockey Newses that Carolina lost to the Panther tonight. Lemme 'splain...

I had the Carolina/Panthers game on while cooking dinner on the off-chance that it would remain interesting. Afterall it was the game that could give the Caps the most direct path to the playoffs, with the best seed to boot. I imagined that I would have to switch over the Philly game and hope for a disaster to befall the Flyers, or over to the Ottawa/Boston where I would be bored to tears but could hope for a two point game. However, that never happened as the Panthers continued to amaze me with their gritty play. I've never seen a team play almost the entire game killing penalties yet win. When the horn sounded, I could not believe the Panthers won. I was stunned. I checked my pipe, and sure enough, I was out of crack.

Truth be told, the scenario that played out most often to me was both the Caps and Hurricanes making the dance. I liked this scenario best for a couple of reasons:
  1. I like their team and coach.
  2. Give some much needed street cred back to the Southeast as an entity.
Plus, I really hate the Flyers and Boston bores me to tears. However, beggars cannot be choosers so if the Caps can beat the Panthers, the third seed will be just fine.

Maybe now I can get some sleep. 7 PM will not get here fast enough.

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