Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Great quote...

If you didn't know it, I work for a software company and sometimes find funny things out there that stereotype the high-tech industry as a whole. Some of these bits are unfair whilst others are scarily dead-on. Dilbert and Office Space are two good examples (unfair or just, I won't say). Found this gem by randomly opening to a page in The Dilbert Future:
Whenever bold new technologies are created, the poor bastards who create them find out the market isn't ready or the technology isn't refined enough. The innovator rarely makes money. Then some clever company comes in and sees what went wrong, corrects the bone-headed mistakes, and makes it all work. In general, its always better to be a clever company than a poor bastard.

-- Scott Adams, The Dilbert Future - Thriving on Stupidity in the 21st Century

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